You are sent interesting information like for instance, these chairs from Jennifer Aniston's home...Used to look like this....
And they were from HERE and recovered in this fabric by Manuel Canovas....
BTW- I was standing in line at the grocery store flipping through a gossip magazine when I saw a picture of MY BFF at Aniston's birthday party and I must say, it made me sad. Thom I thought we were close- if you are going to find a new BFF you could have at least invited me along....
Anyhoo, even better than informative e-mails is the love from other bloggers. I really never knew when I started blogging I would cross paths with so many wonderful people. So a long over due but HUGE thank you to the following bloggers: Bailey @ Peppermint Bliss for a Sunshine Award, Emmie @ Aspirations of a Southern Housewife for a Sunshine Award, Sarah @ Real Estate Style for a Sunshine Award, and Donna @ Livi & B for the Beautiful Blogger award. The sincerest thank you to all of you, these mean a lot and I appreciate you thinking of me!
I hope you have a wonderful weekend!!!!
Images Architectural Digest
Writing A Blog Is Great Because.....

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